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Kingston upon Thames Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Kingston upon Thames organiser on: 2021-10-10

On the last Tuesday of every month (apart from public holidays) from 7.00pm to 9.00ish

Venue: Currently the Spring Grove, but please check

Main contact: d[at]

Meeting since Tuesday 26th June 2018, Kingston Green Drinks is a free social event for anyone interested or working locally in environmental issues, hosted by Transition Town Kingston. All you have to do is buy a drink and look for the Kingston Green Drinks sign on our table.  We welcome everyone to come along to make new connections and share news, insights, activities, events, strategies and conversations with like-minded people. 

Covid-19 update - fun and useful as KGD is, we took the official advice to avoid pubs and inessential meetings, and so, in spring 2020, suspended our pub get-togethers till further notice. A few on-line meet-ups have taken place since then, but we miss the monthly gatherings and intend to resume as soon as we get the all-clear.  We are restarting (tentatively) in October 2021...